New Music Videos.jpg

New Music Videos show package/promos

Show package, Identity design, production tool kits, launch promos.


The brief: create a daily curated mix-tape show that's of-the-moment, fast paced and production friendly. The strategy: Continuous, seamless messaging-over-content on the screen throughout the show. These graphics were informative while conveying a playful vibe. The opening logo transitioned directly into a video identifier, which then became a fluid transition introducing the next video. 

For this project I hired a lean and mean three man team that got the job done in record time.


Like the show graphics, the promos needed to be unusual and fresh. A traditional clip spot was not on the table. We chose to show everyday objects, enhanced by SFX, standing out in their natural habitats. Kudos to Chris Sloan and his team for the flower and fruit fantasia.

By the way, the ratings for "New Music Videos" topped other Fuse video-flow shows. I'd like to think our cool graphics had something to do with that.


SVP Programming & Operations_ Brad Schwartz 

Creative Director_Mark Creel

Show GFX Freelance Team:

Project Director_Dennis Fluet

Designer_Alejandro Ussa 

Motion Designer_Andre Sam


2C Media, Chris Sloan

CNNfn linear and digital story graphics overhaul

Sometimes the most obvious solutions are the hardest to implement. Most television news organizations have separate editorial and production departments for web and broadcast graphics. Resources are sometimes shared, but rarely do the two groups share final graphics.

My broadcast and web teams were creating the same graphic in two different designs and formats due to a few technical requirements and a reluctance to change old habits! I saw the potential for a better workflow, resource sharing and a superior design.

In order to create a new production workflow and a design format that would work on-air and online, my team and I developed a clever macro to convert a single graphic into two formats. This "universal" design worked with the broadcast over-the-shoulder shell and as a simple webpage design element. The result was a unique branded look across the platforms, a 100% increase in graphics production, and a 36% cost saving for my department. I was rewarded by CNN as one of the top 5 directors implementing company cost-saving ideas. (The extra stock options was a nice surprise).


President_Lou Dobbs

VP Operations_ Bill Tucker

Design Director_Mark Creel


Warped Wednesday

Every year The Van's Warped Tour folks create a theme for their graphics, and every year I use that look to influence the design of Warped Tour programming, promos, marketing and digital materials. 

This year the Warped theme was outer space. 

Expanding on the space theme, I wanted something with a video game aesthetic, and a slightly upgraded 3D look and feel. By turning the Warped moon skull into an interplanetary MC with a microphone, Chris and I developed a loose narrative that included a stage forming from music space junk in preparation for the ultimate cosmic concert .


Creative Director_Mark Creel


Designer/ 3D motion graphics_ Chris McCard

Top 100 Number Ones

Show identity, show package, set design, digital and promo elements

I wanted the design to indicate the scope of the show, and the vast number of videos represented, without using artists' images. I also wanted to keep the look simple and fun. 3D falling type accumulated at the bottom of the screen to create a feeling of volume. To tie the look together the set consisted of large, colorful images of type in motion on a white background.


SVP Programming & Operations_ Brad Schwartz

VP Creative Services_Marcelle Karp

Creative Director_Mark Creel


Creative Director_Gary Thomas

Executive Producer_Patty Bradley

Set Design:

513, Tom Lenz

New Years Eve Dance Party 

Show package, Pizza Hut sponsor integration.

Commercial-free video programming all night on New Year's Eve. The 6-hour block, sponsored by Pizza Hut, was a ratings hit.

What's more fun than red, white, and blue bubble-like balloons at a dance party? Well, probably great food and drinks... but Fuse can't provide that. Fantastic graphics will have to do. 


SVP Programming & Operations_ Brad Schwartz

VP Creative Services_Marcelle Karp

Creative Director_Mark Creel


Creative Director_Gary Thomas

Executive Producer_Patty Bradley